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There's good dirty and bad dirty

Today I happened across this NY Times article that explains that what most of us call "cleaning up" merely spreads the bacteria around. The usual ideas are floated: wooden cutting boards and 140 degree water good, plastic cutting boards and ancient sponges bad. For me, the peak of the article is a quote from a microbiology professor: "The cleanest kitchens, he said, were in the homes of bachelors, who never wiped up and just put their dirty dishes in the sink." This is obviously meant as a rebuke to mothers and girlfriends everywhere.

In other dirtyness today, Doc Searls has told the world about Naked Loft Party (note: link not safe for work, children, or my parents, who are somewhere in Mexico right now anyway), a blog of the erotic adventures of someone named Aleksander. This must be what it's like to live in New York City.