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And we're back

pic of the eiffel tour Yes, I'm now married and back from the honeymoon. In a word, it was all fantastic. I have many stories, and I promise I will share none of them (almost).

Meanwhile, here we have a pic of the Eiffel Tower. The thing about the Eiffel is that before you go, you might wonder why you're bothering to see such a hackneyed tourist trap. And then you get there and you realize: this thing is amazingly massive. Over 1000 feet tall. You get the camera out to snap a pic, and it doesn't fit. The tower is just too big to get it all in a single snapshot. You've got to move waaaay back, and then it's hard to capture the scale of the thing. Call me easily amused, but in the end, I thought the tower was awesome. Oh, and they light it up at night real purty, too.

Update: About that assumption that all popular stuff sucks, B says it best. Also, the wife's post on the honeymoon is fabulous, and rumor has it that there's more to come. By way of a tiny bit of explanation about her post: The term "France car" was coined by my niece. Someone asked her how she liked her trip to France last year, and she replied "Well, the France car was hot." Which, considering what happend in the France car, has got to be the understatement of the century.