Arriba Juntos
On the way
from one side of San Francisco to the other, Joe and I passed Arriba Juntos's building (on
Mission between 14th and 15th), which is painted with an amazing mural
(shown at right - click on it for a larger version). The rest of the
block looked a little desolate, which only emphasized this mural. On
the lower right of the mural, there's a scroll with some writing on
We're blessed to have a mother who comforts our souls with summer breezes, cleansing our bodies with every drop of her sows. Respect her kindness, her love, and her nature. Never throw oil into the stormdrain and always recycle... don't allow the sacrifices made for the future and offered by Earth to have been in vain.
To end on a random note, Arriba Juntos seems to go by its initials, AJ. My hometown synagogue, Adath Jeshurun, also goes by AJ.