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Great cookbook

book cover A few years ago, my mother gave me a copy of The Working Stiff Cookbook. At first, I didn't touch it (the graphics were a little too cute). But over the last couple years, I've made a bunch of the recipes from it and every one's turned out really well.

Just last night, we tried the pan-roasted salmon recipe and it was great. The recipe for pancakes is also terrific, and the sausage and escarole soup is not to be missed.


I've been evangelizing to anybody who will listen my love of Martha Stewart Everyday Food magazine. Easy recipes that are very tasty. I really cannot stand to cook and yet I keep making things from this magazine and loving them.

Martha Stewart? Isn't she in jail?

Sure, she's got some problems herself, but the brand lives on. And it's not like she's writing the recipes herself; she's just raking in the cash.