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Unemployment awaits?

In this article, CNN claims that there will be 26% fewer software engineers employed 11 years from now than there are today. I suppose this means that I (and my colleagues) could be in big trouble, since there will be more and more eligible applicants for each job, and that could drive salaries down. That could hurt, especially now that I've decided to spend the next 3 years in grad school rather than out raking in the big bucks while I can.

I'll ignore the issue of whether or not this study is believable. I'm more interested in who cares about it. Is there someone out there picking careers based on these sorts of projections? Frightening.

Btw, this is the first post of my second week of blogging. To link to yet another well-known url, this white paper from Perseus says that about 40% of the blogs they studied only lasted a day before being abandoned, and of the remaining blogs, the average lifetime was 5 and a half months. So my next challenge: keep this blog going until at least May '04.


Of course there are people choosing careers based on these kinds of projections and that's not all bad. It may not be as romantic, but it is good to think about your job prospects when choosing a major. I mean, I thought about majoring in Astronomy in college, but thought Computer Science would be much more practical for finding a job without a PhD.

Now all the people who jumped into e-Commerce because they believed the bubble would never burst? They were fools.